Today is March 16 and the 95th Barsi of Shaheed Harnam Singh Saini who was hanged on this day in 1917 Ghadar Conspiracy. He belonged to Fatehgarh in district Hoshiarpur and was the son of Sh. Gopal Singh Saini. He also went by the name of Nama Saini . More information on this great martyr […]
17 March 2012 05:25:25 AM
Thanks, Mr. Dhamrait. Manjit Singh Saini has done a great job building this website, although I do feel that its content could be improved , especially the section “Saini History” which is basically a blurb from an old controversial website which does not exist anymore. Coming back to the historical issues, I would like to […]
7 August 2011 04:04:25 AM
सैनी बिरादरी के लिए सीएम के अशोभनीय शब्दों पर रोष रादौर, संवाद सहयोगी : मुख्यमंत्री भूपेंद्र ¨सह हुड्डा द्वारा कुरुक्षेत्र में आयोजित सैनी सम्मेलन के दौरान सैनी बिरादरी के लोगों के लिए अशोभनीय शब्द का प्रयोग किए जाने की सैनी समाज के लोगों ने कड़ी निंदा की है। सैनी समाज के लोगों ने कहा कि […]
26 March 2012 04:30:49 PM
Saini boyz laharpuria’s
1 March 2010 08:54:13 AM
Thanks for posting here but there are several inaccuracies in the information you have provided. There already is a lot of misleading info about Sainis spread by jealous vested interests and sometimes by Sainis themselves due to their own ignorance. Hence it is important that your post gets a proper response as it can mislead […]
19 July 2011 04:02:40 PM